Friday, August 29, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane!

I am leaving today for Las Vegas. I am so excited to see my kids and my grandson!! The not so fun part is seeing my ex-husband who has been battling cancer. I hope he is having some ok days when I get to visit with him. Otherwise I will have to keep my visit short. He has been amazing and strong throughout this ordeal. I am faced with preparing our children for something I have not even faced myself. Losing a parent. How do I do that??

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cancer sucks!

I am flying back to Las Vegas over Labor Day to visit with my kids. My ex-husband has been battling Melanoma skin cancer. He is not doing well so I want to make sure I go and see him while I can. I am still praying for that miracle! On a lighter not I get to see my grandson who turns 1 on August 21st. YAY

Friday, August 1, 2008

The many blogs I read!

I have started reading blogs that give me links to other blogs and now I read about 10 everyday. They have become part of my family. It seems as if my prayer list gets longer everyday. It all started with a set of twins that were born too soon. From there blog I read about a family affected by CF also with a preemie. From there blog I was turned on to 3 more blogs who were affected by CF. Also led me to a family with 11 kids living in Mexico and spreading the word of God. I now have been reading a blog of a young mother who was just diagnosed with Cancer. Cancer has affected my own life so I just keep praying for all my new blogging friends!! Thanks for letting ME be a part of YOUR worlds!